
Friday, July 20, 2012

My Introduction to the Blogging World

I was bit nervous to start this blog considering it's been a long time since I've been able to sit and write my life down. After thinking it over, I realized that this would be a great way to keep our families who don't live in the same state, in the loop of our lives. Toby and I will be making some positive and super exciting changes to our life in the next year and wanted to be able to share that with everyone we love. I also think it's great way to journal your life and look back and enjoy those memories.

I have to give most of the credit to my dear Best Friend, Vanessa, who is an amazing blogger. She has captured so many amazing and timeless moments in her family life and it's a joy to read. Every week, I log in to her blog and I never feel like I'm missing out. Some posts are exciting and some can be emotional but that's what I love about her blog, she's real and tells it like it is. She's my inspiration. I read her blog and I've seen how she's grown from a young girl, to woman, to a loving wife and great mom and I can only hope to be that great. Thanks Ness, for testing the adult world for me.

With that said, I hope to share many posts full of our life's journey and pictures to show it all.  As most of you know, we will be married SOON and so I will be blogging about our mostly stressful journey through planning our special day. So check back and I'll make sure to post our engagement photos as well.